Neon Genesis Evangelion, an anime series renowned for its complexity and depth, often leaves newcomers puzzled about where to start and how to progress through its various adaptations. From the original TV series to the multitude of movies and manga iterations, understanding the optimal order to experience Evangelion can be a daunting task.

Let’s untangle the web of confusion and outline a clear path through the Evangelion universe.

The Original TV Series: Neon Genesis Evangelion

The quintessential starting point for any Evangelion journey is the original TV series comprising 26 episodes. Here, viewers are introduced to the intricate world of Evangelion, replete with its enigmatic characters, psychological depth, and apocalyptic battles. This series serves as the foundation upon which the entire Evangelion mythos is built.

The Companion Films: Expanding the Evangelion Universe

In addition to the core series and Rebuild films, Evangelion boasts several companion movies that further explore its rich tapestry:

Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth

This revised version of the original Death & Rebirth movie includes updated animation and additional scenes, serving as a comprehensive recap of the TV series. Death provides a condensed overview of the plot and character development, while Rebirth offers a preview of subsequent events.

Death (True)²

Evangelion Death (True)² is a revised version of the original Death & Rebirth movie. It includes new scenes and updated animation, serving as a more polished and refined version of the recap segment. While Death (True)² retains the Rebirth segment, the focus is primarily on the revised Death portion, and incorporates  additional scenes not present in the original Death & Rebirth release. This version was released as part of the Renewal of Evangelion project, which aimed to enhance the visual quality of the original series and related films.

The End of Evangelion

This movie serves as an alternate ending to the TV series, providing resolution to its ambiguous finale. It offers closure to lingering questions and presents a more definitive conclusion to the Evangelion saga.

The Rebuild of Evangelion: A Fresh Perspective

For those hungry for more Evangelion content, the Rebuild series offers a fresh take on the familiar narrative. Spanning four films, the Rebuild series retells the story of Evangelion with updated animation, new characters, and significant plot deviations. While the Rebuild series diverges from the original narrative, it presents an intriguing alternate interpretation of events that captivates and challenges fans, these appear in the following order:

1. Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone
2. Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance
3. Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo
4. Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time

The Manga Adaptation: An Alternative Medium

For those who prefer the written word, Evangelion also exists in manga form. Created by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, the manga offers yet another perspective on the Evangelion saga. While similar to the anime, the manga introduces unique elements and character developments, providing an alternative experience for fans.

Charting Your Course Through Evangelion

So there you have it, start with the OG series, check out the companion movies for some extra insight, dive into the Rebuild series for a fresh take, and don’t forget about the manga if the medium entices you. With this guide in hand, you’re ready to embark on an epic journey through one of the most iconic anime series of all time.